About US

Our crowdfunding and investment technology platform connects passionate creators with enthusiastic investors. Creators use our platform to list their digital assets IP rights in the present and future through a profit-sharing agreement in the form of a ticket, which is called the Creative Economy Ticket ( "CET" ) in the primary market. Investors use our platform to search and discover, then support the listed creators by buying their IP rights in the form of CETs, which kick-start and fund the creators ideas and their expanding thoughts, fostering a thriving community of innovation. Our verified creators and investors on the platform provide a secure space to share the assets and profits as per the investments. We thrive to bridge the gap between creators and investors, along with consumers, and more democratize the process of creating and finishing creative products. For this to happen, we plan to launch a secondary market where the Creative Economy Tickets will be converted to Creative Economy Tokens, and constant buying and selling of these tokens will happen, which helps creators and investors value and analyze the creations and investments and promote the constructive growth of the creative economy. We also plan to launch a utility market for the tokens, which helps the creative economy thrive, connect, and grow strong.